Selasa, 21 September 2010

Changes Coming to Microsoft adCenter by Linc Wonham

Changes Coming to Microsoft adCenter


Microsoft wrote today on its adCenter blog that budgeting improvements are on the way, a move it said was precipitated by recent user comments. The changes can be expected “in the coming days” and “will minimize the daily budget overspend and deliver a more consistent, predictable spend of your budget dollars throughout the month.”

The blog post stated that the updated adCenter will be tracking campaign budget spend in “near real time” and that there will be almost no lag between a click recorded and spend tracked, making users’ spends more likely to adhere to their budget targets. As a means of “providing a bit of a buffer”, Microsoft noted that ads may not be paused until users are at 120 percent of their daily budgets.

Microsoft also noted in the post that the changes could result in sending campaigns into Budget Pause earlier in the day than what users have previously experienced, and that they may need to adjust their overall campaign budget amounts and settings to ensure that ads continue to be displayed throughout the day.

Other tips for users include:

• If you have set a low daily or monthly budget in anticipation of overspending, increase it now so that it better reflects the actual amount you want to spend.
• If you have a higher budget and know your click volume, Microsoft recommends that you set a monthly budget and select the Spend Budget Until Depleted option to lessen the risk that your budgets will run out prematurely.
• If you do want to set a daily spend target, try setting a monthly budget and then selecting the Divide Budget Across Month option. With this option, the adCenter budgeting system will auto-adjust to spend your budget evenly throughout the month.
• If you have changing campaign spend needs throughout the month, use the daily target to designate the days in which you would like to see higher/lower spend.

This article is published from : Website Magazine.

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